6D108 Used Fuel Injector For Excavator PC300 - 5 PC300 - 6 6222 - 13 - 3300
Part Name: Fuel Injector Assy | Size: Standard | |
Category: Spare parts | Cylinders Number: Komastu | |
Engine type: Diesel | Test staus: Normal | |
Injection: Direct Injection | Injector Code: 6222 - 11 - 3100 |
What does a fuel injector cleaner do?
While all fuel injector systems are ultimately looking to achieve the same goal, there’s a time and a place for which each formula is best suited. It all comes down to the chemical solution in the formula: a series of additives that dissolves the carbon deposit without corroding the actual fuel injector. Every company holds its materials very close to the chest, with Chevron citing all ingredients other than petroleum distillates as ‘Trade Secret.’ However, if you look at some less established companies like Lubri-Care, you can see ingredients including trimethyl benzenes, Stoddard solvent, and naphthalene.
All these chemicals, or molecular relatives, are common to fuel injector cleaners—it’s about striking the right balance between them. The benzene-based molecule is the solvent, while Stoddard refers to a mixture of hydrocarbons. Naphthalene is used to construct plastic, so it works with the petrol contents to remain gentle on the hardware. Taken together, a fuel injector cleaner is a chemical formula that mixes with your fuel. It flows through your car’s system while you drive; and, while it moves around, it de-clogs and restores fuel efficiency.
How Clogs Form and Fuel Injector Cleans
The fuel, the proverbial life-blood of your car, carries with it all the essentials, plus some trace carbon deposits it drops along the way. On a small scale, it’s a little issue, which is why you only need to do the upkeep every 3,000 miles or so. However, if left too long, much like arterial deposits, your carbon deposits will find friends, growing and adding bulk over time, physically impeding the movement of your fuel. Unable to work correctly, it will take more gas to get the same combustion, thus lower fuel mileage. As it progresses, you’ll lose the ability to accelerate properly, hear an awful engine knock, or even lose power. Of course, the severity of the issue is relative to the severity of the buildup. So, if you tackle it at the first sign of a problem, you’ll be much better off.
Consider the buildup as layers of issues: the fewer layers of detriment there are, the more easily the chemical treatment can do its work. If there are more layers of grime, it won’t do the trick quite as well. Preventative maintenance may sound like a mechanic’s buzzword, but it’s quite literally the best way to keep your car in good condition. Letting a good fuel injector solvent and conditioner work its mechanical magic once in a while can save you so much expense and inconvenience down the line.